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Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy

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Ola Raknes

In Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy, Ola Raknes presents important aspects of the life and work of Wilhelm Reich and describes how Reich discovered orgone energy.

Raknes, a close friend of Reich, has written his book in three parts. The first deals with Reich's logical, step-by-step development of ideas, based on his clinical experience and scientific experimentation. In the second part he presents basic facts about orgonomy, the science of orgone energy, and how natural science and human functioning can be understood from an energetic point of view. The third part is concerned with the orgonomic concept of health and its social consequences.

Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy is for anyone fascinated by nature, from the general public to physicians and psychiatrists to other scientific and mental health professionals. "This book deserves to be widely read. Simply written, easily understood, it stands as an ideal introduction to the extensive writings of Wilhelm Reich." (from the foreword by Elsworth F. Baker, M.D., founder of the American College of Orgonomy.)

Also available on Kindle at https://www.amazon.com/Wilhelm-Reich-Orgonomy-Psychiatrist-Revolutionary-ebook/dp/B01595AL54/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2D7PRKRGENENO&keywords=wilhelm+reich+and+orgonomy+aco+press&qid=1646335904&s=digital-text&sprefix=wilhelm+reich+and+orgonomy+aco+press%2Cdigital-text%2C66&sr=1-1

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Children of the Future

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Wilhelm Reich

In Reich's early work, his knowledge of children came about as a reflection of his work with adults. But his basic interest in preventing disease led him further to focus on the newborn, to study "the unspoiled protoplasm."

Why do we as humans, the most intelligent of all animals, fail to realize what every dog, or whale, or mouse spontaneously senses - that he is part of nature. Why are we estranged from ourselves, from life? What is wrong with us, with our way of rearing our children?

Reich asked these questions. His studies are more than of passing interest. In a world where nations are preparing to obliterate one another and the planet itself in order to assert their various ideological points of view, it is imperative for us to consider everything that helps us understand how we got into this terrifying position.

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Early Writings Vol. 1 by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.

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HARDCOVER (out of print - quantities limited): Early Writings Vol. 1 by Wilhelm Reich, M.D

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Passion of Youth

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Wilhelm Reich

Passion of Youth is an autobiographical reminiscence of Wilhelm Reich's childhood, adolescence and early manhood. Although it describes events from the early part of the twentieth century, Reich's voice is immediate and modern. His description of his childhood and puberty is the personal note in his work to recognize the sexuality of children and adolescents.

Passion of Youth provides a first person account of some historically significant times, the Great War 1914-1918, and Vienna 1918-1922. Wilhelm Reich was a very outspoken voice in the generation that shaped the rest of the century. The horrors of the first world war and the wretched economic and social conditions in Germany and Austria that were the war's bitter aftermath are palpable. This combined with the forcefulness and frankness of Reich's character, which the honesty of his memoir communicates, makes it clear why Reich chose a large social and scientific stage on which to work. Reich felt he had to change the world, because without change, the outcome would be too horrifying. And he was right.

Reich was a brilliant and truthful observer. Passion of Youth is a portrait of a young man creating, out of deep personal tragedy, a life of tremendous accomplishment. It is also a powerfully moving portrait of the moment in time that created the opportunity and shaped the outcome.

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People in Trouble by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.

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PAPERBACK (out of print - quantities limited): People in Trouble by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.

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Selected Writings by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. - OUT OF STOCK

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HARDCOVER (out of print - quantities limited): Selected Writings by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.


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The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.

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PAPERBACK (out of print - quantities limited): The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality by Wilhelm Reich, M.D

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The Sexual Revolution by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.

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PAPERBACK (out of print - quantities limited): The Sexual Revolution by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.

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